Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sickle Cell Trait

I want to represent a podcast  entitled “Athletics trainers warn about dangers of sickle cell trait”  Gary Mihoces speaks on sickle cell trait which  describes a condition in which a person has one abnormal allele of the hemoglobin beta gene. Sickle cell trait prevalence is highest in West Africa (25% of the population). However, it also very infrequently appears in Mediterranean countries such as ItalyGreece, and Spain, where it most likely expanded via the selective pressure of malaria, a disease that was endemic to the region. It  It says that two twin  sportsmen brothers Devard  and his brother Devaughn Darlings suffered from this blood condition.One of the brothers died and the other wants to save lives of thousands of people including himself.Devard advises to take precautions. It said that sicke cell trait is a benign condition outside of an intense, sustained physical activity.The sickle cell gene is inherited, it is so common in people originating from malarial regions especially in West Africa. During exertion[igzysyn]sickle cells can change red blood cells from round to sicke- shaped creating a “logjam’in blood vessels and kill. Nine athletes died in during the previous seven years, including 5 colledge football players during their participation.  
Heat, dehydration, altitude and asthma can increase the risk of sickling.It trecommends cessation of activity when there are symptoms such as cramping, pain, swelling and shortness of breath.
Devard says that his brother died during the training. The teammates say, that at that time Devaughn couldn’t see and was  blacking out. Clearly, there were signs for him to stop.He advises young athletes to know their limitations. It’s important to stay hydrated. They need a little rest.
They say that out of 10-12 Africans carry sickle cell trait.
My advice to all the athletes in the world: Be Attentive. Train a lot but find time to relax when you start to feel exhausted.
This is a useful sickle cell trait recommendation link.If You're interested you may use it.

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