Tuesday, October 18, 2011



Occupations are  important in the  society.If we analize any  society we must surely consider occupations. There wouldn’t be any occupations if there weren’t for  languages especially those in which many people work together, and need to pass  information about how to do things, or about current tasks.
Occupations develop their own special language features, and use those of the common language in novel or distinctive ways. Occupations are a source of language change .For example, factory workers have to master an array of technical terms and administrative vocabulary in order to carry out their tasks. Therefore, they develop their own slang and jargon which sets them apart from outsiders.
The term “occupational dialect” has long been used to classify people by their occupations. People become so engaged in their jobs that it influences their behavior not only socially but also linguistically. The more specialized the occupation is the more technical the language is likely to be.
One of the symbols to identify people is employment.The first question is “What do you do?” By it we mean their occupation.
By having a particular occupation society’s discernment will differ, for example doctors are perceived different to road sweepers. Therefore it will affect the way one perceives one’s self, and ultimately have an impact upon their identity. Employment and occupation does indeed influence identity.  As a result of changes in both economic structure, and in employment forces, individuals are strained to recreate and redefine their identities.
 I also consider occupation identifies a person more clearly than any other single characteristic.
Through our occupation we shape modify and express our identity. “We are what we do”.  Support for this statement is found in our everyday experience by considering the ways in which individuals typically introduce themselves to one another. We associate our professional
accomplishment and goals to who we are.
 In my personal experience I felt the impact of occupation greatly. The position of the language teacher made me become more serious especially during the classes.I speak English quite a lot with my collegues and sometimes I use English words unintentionally which would never be expected from a physics  teacher to do. 
During our job  hours we are doing our best to do Good jobs.If the job is good we then should acquire the language that job demands.
               ALWAYS DO A

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